Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ella and Her Books

Ella's Kisses

Ella enjoys giving everyone kisses. They require a lot of effort to perform and sometimes I'm not sure if her lips will reappear.

The Don Cherry Pose

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Emma Got Hitched!

Emma and Eugene got married on August 18th near Blomidon in Nova Scotia. The scenery was gorgeous and the wedding was fantastic!

Eugene waited patiently while Emma and my dad completed the 15km hike down the aisle.

The Chester's

The Hofmeister's

Ella Meets Her Grandparents!

Emma's wedding was in Nova Scotia in August, so my parents came to New Brunswick to visit Ella. My Aunt Janet was also visiting from England - we had a great time.

Monday, September 04, 2006