Sunday, July 23, 2006

More of Ella Bella

On the Move

Ella is really on the move now. She can crawl, scoot on her bum, and stand with support. We padded the entire living room with foam squares.

I think I'll feed myself today

Ella at the Beach

Nanny and Poppie have been camping at Woolastook Park and Ella is loving it.

Oh my God, my ass is going to look huge on that photo!

Ella and the Kitty

Ella has been giving the cat some very "Stewie-like" looks. We're not sure what she has planned for the cat, but it doesn't look good.

Coolin' Down

After a few battles, Ella has begun eating real solids.
She prefers to eat her cookies while sitting in the pool!

Macaroni and cheese is Ella's new favourite. Sheryl gave it a try and Ella sat and ate for almost an hour. We figured she liked it.